05: Power to the Pumping Mamas
An informative and entertaining interview with Sandy J. Green of Empowered Pumping, the CLC and Postpartum Doula
Just three short years ago Sandy started her exclusive pumping journey. She quickly realized there was no community and a severe lack of information to support and empower moms who pumped. After muddling through it on her own, Sandy knew she needed to make some serious changes. Empowered Pumping is the educational course offered by Sandy J. Green to empower women who are interested in or need to exclusively pump.
In this Episode we speak with Sandy about her journey, her business, and the support that is available for postpartum mamas.
What we covered:
- Sandy’s breast pumping journey.
- How she helps breast pumping moms with three principles.
- Challenges pumping moms commonly experience.
- Where the fear and failure of pumping comes from.
- Sandy’s instructions for radical self-care.
- What is a Postpartum Doula.
Sandy J. Green's Bio:
Sandy J. Green is a Certified Lactation Counselor, a Postpartum Doula and the mom of two beautiful pumplings. After exclusively pumping for her son, over three years ago, Sandy realized there was a big problem. No one was taking care of the pumping moms. On a very deep level Sandy knew she wanted to change that. Sandy says nothing lights her up more than hearing a mom say she's proud to exclusively pump and no longer feels guilty or overwhelmed.Her goal is simple: that you have the knowledge, confidence, and pride to make infant-feeding decisions that work best for you, your family, and you!