Essentials for Your Breastfeeding and Pumping Station
Breastfeeding and pumping can soon become uncomfortable for moms if not done properly or not practiced in a comfortable space. Breastfeeding and pumping need to be done stress-free, and one way to accomplish this is to set up a breastfeeding and pumping station.
This station or area should be like a little sanctuary for you. Somewhere you feel comfortable, safe and relaxed. Whether you use it for both pumping and breastfeeding or just pumping or breastfeeding, you need to stock it with essential items that will help you along the way.
Here are some essentials to keep in your breastfeeding and pumping station:
First, you need to find a suitable space. Most moms choose to set up a comfy chair in a corner of their baby’s nursery, next to a window or somewhere with good lighting. The more relaxing and cozy the better! However, some moms don’t have this luxury and instead opt to stock up a carry station that can be taken around with you. This works just as well!
Breast Pump
The right breast pump will make expressing so much easier and more enjoyable. Double pumping is the best option, being more effective and efficient. An electric double pump will help you express in a much shorter time than when using a single pump.
Hand Sanitizer
It is important to remember to sanitize your hands before expressing. You don’t want that precious milk coming into contact with any germs!
Water bottle
Breastfeeding and pumping can make you super thirsty. You need to keep hydrated, and often we choose not to have to get up and get water half way through pumping, so rather keep some water on hand or close by for easy access.
It can be so easy to skip a meal when you are busy with breastfeeding and pumping, so keeping some nutritious and healthy snacks close by will help you make up for any missed meals.
Face Cloths or Wipes
Breastfeeding and pumping can become messy quickly with spillage. A face cloth will help clean up any mess or spillage.
Breast pads
Not all moms experience leakages, but for those who do, breast pads are amazingly handy. Keep them stocked in your station, so you can easily grab them when you are done expressing or pumping.
Breast Pump Cushions
Expressing can be hard on nipples, so keeping some breast and nipple cushions, such as BeauGen's Breast Pump Cushions can be a great help when reducing pain and discomfort felt when pumping.
Sterilized Bottles or Milk Storage Bags
You need something to store your milk in once you have expressed, and transferring it in the same place helps reduce exposure to germs. Milk storage bags are great as they can be labeled and stored flat in the freezer, saving some space.
Nipple Cream
Keep some nipple cream on hand to massage onto your nipples when you have finished breastfeeding or pumping, to relieve any pain or irritation.
Breastfeeding Pillow
It can be hard to find a comfortable position when breastfeeding, especially when supporting a baby. A breastfeeding pillow will offer support and comfort for both baby and mom, and help improve the position of the baby for a better latch.
Pumping Bras
These really help with hands-free pumping. The specially designed bras keep the flanges and bottles in place so you can relax, snack and browse social media while expressing.
Keep a comfy blanket close by for extra comfort when it gets chilly, for both you and your baby.
Planning ahead will be your best bet in ensuring you are comfortable during breastfeeding and pumping, encouraging you to continue supplying your little one with liquid gold.