How and Why to Train Your BeauGen Breast Pump Cushions
Mommy Care Team
Like any new product right out of the packaging, some moms feel that our Breast Pump Cushions need to be broken in a little bit. We call this step training your cushions. Training your breast pump cushions, just like pumping with them, is painless. In this blog we’ll walk you through how and why to train your BeauGen Breast Pump Cushions.
How to Train Your Cushions
All you’ll need to train your breast pump cushions are your cushions and your flanges. That’s it!
First, un-package your cushions from BeauGen. Give them a good wash and allow them to air dry.
Next, pop them open so that they mirror the shape of your breast pump flanges.
To train your cushions, simply stretch each cushion over the outside of your breast pump flange. Take a minute to smooth the cushion to the outside of the flange.
Allow your cushions to stretch like this for about 45 minutes to an hour.
Then you’re ready to pump!
Why You Might Want to Train Your Cushions
Not all moms feel the need to train their BeauGen cushions. This is simply a preference that a portion of our customers have. Stretching or training the stretchy material makes it even softer and helps it move with your nipple during pumping sessions.
You can get a feel for whether you share this preference by trying it for yourself. Simply wash and use the cushions right out of the package. Then, with your next pair of cushions, try training them. You can compare the first pump session with each of the cushions to get a feel for which you prefer.
Training your cushions will not make them wear out faster. The innovative design from BeauGen makes the cushions last for about a month for most moms. Moms who pump a little less frequently might find that they can use the cushions a bit longer than one month, with the proper care (check out our video on how to care for your cushions). Training the cushion will not cause it to lose its shape or break down faster.
Are you pumped for BeauGen and ready to try breast pump cushions for yourself? Check out our online store for different ordering options.
How to break in your breast pump cushions from BeauGen Founder and CEO Tu-Hien.