Is Exclusive Pumping Sustainable? How and Why It’s a Safe Method of Breastfeeding.
Mommy Care Team
Not all lactation experts support exclusive pumping as a sustainable method of breastfeeding. This means that not all women receive accurate and safe information that supports their efforts and desires to save their breastfeeding journey.
Reasons a Segment of Lactation Professionals Don’t See Exclusive Pumping as Sustainable
A Pump Is a Stop Gap
Many lactation professionals are trained to see breast pumps as a stop gap. We go into further detail in this post, but it’s really not their fault. Lactation training programs often only devote a minimal amount of the training to expression of breast milk and even less to breast pumps.
In these training programs, pumps are used to troubleshoot problems or aid in some way until biological breastfeeding can be re-established.
Potential for Injury
Breast pumps can cause injury if used incorrectly. Some also believe that if they are utilized too often this can also cause injury. If you use a pump incorrectly, and exclusively, you have the potential to cause serious pain.
The wrong size flange, improper alignment, or the wrong level of suction can all cause pain or injury.
Biological Nursing Is the Goal
Right, wrong, or indifferent, the goal of the lactation professional has been to establish or reestablish biological nursing. Resolving clogs, establishing a supply, or maintaining a supply when separated from the baby, pumps may feature as an aid or tool in a lactation professionals arsenal but rarely are they the sole method of breastfeeding.
Exclusive Pumping Is Sustainable, Safe, and Can Be the Sole Method of Breastfeeding
With proper use, and the right information, a mother may successfully express breast milk throughout the entirety of her breastfeeding journey. Breast milk is produced by your body as it is removed from your body. Typically, an infant removes the breast milk by suckling. Exclusive pumpers mimic this by expressing milk with a pump. As long as a mother continues to remove milk her body will continue to produce milk.
Done correctly, you can pump without injury or pain. Even if you exclusively pump you can do so without limited, to no pain. The key is to use the appropriate sized flange, maintain proper nipple alignment in the flange tunnel, and find the right level of suction for your body. For more about causes of pain for exclusive pumping, click here.
Sole Method of Feeding Your baby
Exclusively pumping is exclusively breastfeeding. Your baby will thrive on breast milk. Mother nature intended it! Using a breast pump is simply finding a way to work with mother nature. As time progresses, pumps are getting better. They’re more portable than ever, more discrete. And they offer moms more flexibility in providing their babies with the best start in life.
What to Do When Pain Does Arise
Having said all of this, pain may still occur. When it does, there is help. Now there are lactation professionals that specialize in pumping and exclusive pumping. Seeking one out can help you ensure that you are using the appropriate flange size, have the optimum alignment, and you customize your pumping experience to your body.
If friction factors into your equation, you can try adding BeauGen Breast Pump Cushions to your routine. Click here to learn more about our cushions and to try a pair for yourself.