Tips for Breastfeeding This Summer
Be Prepared for Nursing or Pumping as Your Summer Schedule Heats Up
Summer often means a change in schedules. With the warm weather comes camps, gatherings, pool parties, and more. Sounds great right? For breastfeeding moms these changes and additions to your schedule can have a dramatic impact. Hiccups in your summer schedule can mean a drop in supply, engorgement, or clogged ducts. Being away from home means packing more like coolers, wipes, and extra bottles. With these tips for breastfeeding this summer, you can enjoy events of the season without worrying about whether you can breastfeed, get proper nutrition, or safely nurse or pump.
Do you have a tip that we missed? Scroll down to the bottom of this post and leave it in the comments.
Eat and Drink Appropriately
Make Sure You Are Getting Enough to Eat
Breastfeeding people have a higher calorie intake and different nutritional needs. Summer cookouts, party snacks, and hors d'oeuvres might not meet these needs. Packing healthy snacks can help ensure that you have enough to eat, and what your body needs to produce milk for your baby.
If you are only able to snack or eat picnic food, try to make your other meals a bit healthier to make sure that you are taking in proper nutrition. Continuing to take your prenatal vitamins can also help make sure you have everything you need to make nutritious milk for your baby.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
The best way to beat the heat is also a healthy choice for breastfeeding mamas. Make sure you are getting enough water throughout the day. Breast milk starts with water. If you're not drinking enough water during the day, it can seriously impact your breast milk supply. Pack a few extra bottles in your car, place one in your bag, and refill them when you get home.
Change Often
Heat and moisture create the perfect environment for yeast and other bacteria to grow. If you are lactating over the summer, changing throughout the day can keep you cool, dry, and healthy. Make sure your breasts are dry before nursing or pumping.
Loose Clothing
Restrictive clothing like tight sports bras and bathing suits can be detrimental to your milk ducts. If you’re at home, opt for comfortable and breathable clothing. If you are on the go, visiting family, attending picnics, or hanging out at the pool, try to pack a spare change of clothes to give your body a break.
Nursing Pads
Leaks can and do happen at the most inconvenient of times. If you feel a let down coming on, or are worried about one happening, nursing pads are a great hack. Keep a few in your diaper bag, pump bag, or even in your car for just in case moments.
Portable Fans
Battery powered portable fans can help keep mama and baby from getting cranky in the summer heat. It doesn't matter that it's warm or even hot, your baby needs to be snuggled up with you and your loved ones. Having a small fan can help keep those snuggles coming without either one of you overheating. Small babies have a hard time self regulating their body temperature. A bit of shade and a small fan can be safety precaution that allows your family to enjoy the party longer, and in safety.
Hand Washing
Whether you’re at the pool, playground, or enjoying your own backyard, hygiene is important. Before breastfeeding, be sure to wash your hands. Keeping soap and water packed in your pumping bag, pool bag, or vehicle can help to make sure you are covered even when your busy family is on the move.
Having a cooler on hand for a cold drink or to bring a healthy snack is helpful for all lactating mamas. But, if you are a pumping mama, having a cooler, and ice packs is essential.
Sealed Pump Parts Bag
If you have to pump while you are out and about, having a gallon sized sealable plastic bag or pump parts bag can save you from having to wash your pump parts, bottles, etc. If you don't feel comfortable or have room in a shared cooler, bringing a mini color and ice pack can keep your pump parts safe until your next pump, or until you can get home to wash them.
Picnic Pressure
Breast milk production is based on supply and demand. Sticking to your feeding schedule is important. This means that there is a bit more work and thought involved in each of your outings this summer. Here are a few more tips to keep in mind.
Plan Ahead
There is a solid chance that you are going to have to nurse or pump while at one of these gatherings. It’s a good idea to determine what your comfort level is before arriving. Will you need to excuse yourself to breastfeed in your car? Will a nursing cover and a quiet spot work for you? There is no wrong option, but it’s helpful to plan this ahead of time. When you arrive, you can scout out your options and relax.
Pro Tip: Mamas at BeauGen have used needing to nurse or pump as a reason to excuse themselves from a gathering to get a moment of peace and quiet...and also pump of course.
Yes, there are distractions that can knock your schedule off track, but these distractions can also impact your baby and their ability to nurse. This is especially true for babies who are not used to big gatherings, or meeting new people. They can very easily become overstimulated and fussy. When you first arrive at a function, take a moment to ask for or locate a quiet spot to which you can retreat when it's time for a nursing.
Comments and Questions
It's something that just seems to come with territory but there will be comments made and questions asked about your breastfeeding journey. It doesn't matter whether you are nursing or pumping. People will ask how long you plan to continue, or how do you find time to make it work? Most will be meaning and rooted in curiosity. Having a response to dismiss or address these questions can help take some of the pressure off of you and let you get back to enjoying the picnic.
Will There Be Power?
If you have a chorded pump, you will want to double check to see if there will be a power source where you are going. There are adapters that work with vehicles available for use in case there isn’t any power. Regardless, if you are a pumping mom and rely on an outlet, these are great to have in case of a loss of power from summer storms or if you are stuck in traffic while traveling.