Introducing Mommy Care Team Member Maris
Helping Mamas Make Peace with Their Pumps and Beyond
We’re taking a minute to introduce you to another amazing BeauGen Team Member. Maris is on our Mommy Care Team. Her passion for helping Mamas led her to become a Certified Lactation Counselor, which led her to BeauGen!
Maris splits her time between helping breastfeeding and pumping moms through the Hispanic Health Council at the St. Francis Hospital OBGYN clinic in Hartford, Connecticut, and helping BeauGen.
More About Maris’s Role with BeauGen
As a member of our Mommy Care Team, Maris is one of the amazing mamas who responds to emails and direct messages on Facebook. Here, she helps provide answers to frequently asked questions, while helping you troubleshoot and care for the cushions and more.
Maris said what drew her to work with BeauGen was our desire and ability to provide a product for moms that will enhance their pumping experience.
Maris beyond Team BeauGen
Outside of work, Maris is an incredible mom with a growing family. Currently, Maris’s family consists of her son and husband, but there is also a bun in the oven! We’re so excited for her. Maris’s athletic son plays both soccer and basketball. They also have two cats, Yoda and Casper.
Her passion for helping women extends from her professional to her personal life. Maris often volunteers at church on projects benefiting women and children. She said she loves to find a need and work to strategically gather the resources and/or donations to fill that need, which led her to her work with the church.
Two of her favorite projects are Bridge to Life and Hope Fest. Bridge to Life works to gather food and clothing for the local homeless population and Hope Fest focuses on children, gathering the school supplies, health screenings, and more that they need to thrive.
BeauGen is blessed to have Maris, her professional lactation experience, first-hand experience using BeauGen Cushions, and uplifting personality supporting all of our BeauGen Mamas. Next time you’re on our BeauGen Mom Community Facebook Group or receive a text from us, please say hi and welcome Maris!